RooSites is pleased to announce that we have signed on to build a new website for of Florida.
After 31 years of publication, the only Florida-specific HVACR trade newspaper, the monthly Florida HVAC & Refrigeration Insider, is transitioning to bring the latest industry news, trends, tips and other information to the market via a new website designed, developed and managed by RooSites!
We all like to do things ourselves. A lot of companies want to manage their own websites. But this is not advised in this day and age. Here are 5 reasons why you need Professional Website Management.
Security – Sadly with all the hackers and people with ill intent in the world, you need to have secure hosting and management. There are literally millions of attempts every single day. To protect your website you have to be constantly looking for threats and have a plan should your website be attacked. As a Professional Website Management company, we backup sites every day of the year and even if the worst happens we can your site back up very quickly.
SEO – Having a website that no one finds is like being invisible. You need to make sure, all your content is done in such a way to help your search engine rankings. You can write your own content but having a professional review will be quite helpful in the long run and increase your visibility. SEO it’s something that needs to be worked on constantly. Regardless of what unscrupulous SEO companies tell you with their constant spam emails, there is no magic bullet. SEO takes work.
Updates – If you are using a content management like WordPress, there are tons of updates to wordpress core, plugins and themes. While many of these updates are simple, once in a while an update can completely blow away your website. So you need to make sure you know how to get the site back up an running. As an example, we recently took over managing a website for a company. They had a problem with a plugin and the company that was hosting it just disabled all plugins. So the site was a total mess! We figured out the issue and the site was back up and running. Unfortunately this company had thought Managed WordPress would take care of any issues that arose. But as they found out, this wasn’t the case and then they moved to roosites for professional website management services,
Posting New Content – One thing we have run into over the years is that companies who want to be able to take care of their own postings, but run into a lack of time to get things done. Say your business is doing super, you need to be spending your time on what makes your company successful. If you then have to take time out of your day to work on your website, you’re not putting the time into what helps you to succeed. I can’t tell you how many times people run into this issue and then decide to have someone manage their website.
Bottom line: having professional website management and hosting will get rid of one big headache that most companies deal with when attempting to manage their own website.