5 Pay Per Click Ad Tips

Here are simple tips to improve your pay per click ad performance and save your company money.

  1. Check your ads: I was looking at car dealer’s ad which enticed me to click. When I did I was sent to a page which says “no cars found”. Now this dealer is spending a lot of money for clicks and he’s probably losing potential customers and definitely throwing money away.
  2. Set Proper Location: If you are a local or regional business, make sure your ad is only set to display in that area. Too many people’s forget to set up their ad to display near their location. Your ads should only be set to display in places you do business. For instance, Bob the plumber from Boston MA shouldn’t be having ads display worldwide.  My guess is Bob isn’t flying to Beijing to unclog a toilet. Every click outside your business area is money down the drain (so to speak)
  3. Set Time Ads Display: I am not a big fan of ads running 24 hours a day. I think that most clicks in the middle of the night are probably just people fooling around, tire kickers, and perhaps people outside the country using proxy servers. How much business have you received from somebody clicking on ads at two or 3 AM? I pretty much think you’re better served having your ads running during normal business hours and perhaps a couple hours before after.
  4. Remove Keywords you don’t need:  When you’re in your ad words account and you’re finding suggested keywords, sometimes we add some without realizing that those clicks will not lead to business. For instance, if you are selling business products rather than consumer items, a click on someone looking for a consumer product that will not bring you business is a waste of money and a budget killer.  By sorting on your clicks you can see where your budget is going, if those dollars are being spent on a keyword that are questionable, try pausing it. You can always turn it on later if you find that you were mistaken. But more money get spent on that keywords and that is what you want to avoid.
  5. Avoid Wholesale Changes: People tend to panic when it comes to their pay per click accounts. If they’re very successful, and then see a bit of a downturn the thinking it is to go in and blow up the account. I am here to tell you not to panic because that is the nature of the beast. There are definitely periods of ups and downs. But if you are having good luck with your ads and are getting business from them give it time. Perhaps tweak your ads and keywords, but don’t destroy what you have worked hard to achieve.

Bottom line: Pay Per Click Advertising (Definition: PPC) is not an exact science. It takes monitoring, tweaking and paying constant attention to your account. Taking these five common sense tips, you can save money and hopefully be far more effective with your advertising spend. Of course, this is the tip of the iceberg, if you need more assistance contact us today.

Drive Through Menus & Navigation Bars

User Experience Design From Fast Food Drive Through Menus? You Bet!

Drive Through Menus & Navigation BarsThe other day I pulled into a Dunkin’ Donuts Drive through lane. There it hit me. Voila, the menu was clear concise and I could immediately could find what I was looking for. I thought about it, and this is very similar to my goal when I build a navigation menu for people’s websites. Think about it, when you go to drive-through window they do a very good job of putting the things they want you to see (and order) front and center. These may be value deals and different things like that. Easy to order, and my guess is profitable for the franchise.

The reason this came into my mind was I had taken over managing the website for a company a while back. They had one of these wacky menus as I like to call them. It spanned the width of the page and had 50 sections. It took me five minutes just to find where their contact page link was! To me this is the exact opposite of what UX design [Definition] is all about. Now I have to admit, it did look pretty cool, you had pictures, different sections, separators and all kinds of cool and funky things. But what a mess from a user experience standpoint. I explained to my client, which I have preached since 1996 is to have a simple clear menu. Everything on your site should be a couple of clicks in, unless you are a big big company with thousands and thousands of webpages.

I look at it like this, the main menu buttons themselves are kind of like fast food restaurants’ value meals. These are the main sections of your website and the most important. These are your bread and butter, these are what you need people to click on to see your most valuable content.  Under those, you can have various subsections of your website. But don’t go crazy. I hate when you mouse over a link and then you see another level of links and then you mouse over that and you see another level. (I am tired just writing about it) To me this gets away from good design practices. I’m not saying it’s never necessary, but my feeling is you should avoid those third and fourth level menus if at all possible.

Mobile Menus:

Now that about 50% of your visitors are looking at your site on mobile, the simplification of menus has taken precedence in our user interface designs. You want to make sure that mobile menus are so simple and you’re not seeing 30 or 40 links.

Bottom Line:

Use the KISS principle when planning menus. Keep It Simple……