Searching for a Blog Topic? Let it come to youDecember 5th, 2021

Searching for a Blog Topic? Let it come to you

I (like you) struggle to come up with topics to blog about sometimes.  I have been doing this a long time, and occasionally it seems like I’ve covered every topic there is when it comes to small business web design, development and management.

What works for me is taking some time away from writing, and letting topics come to me. As with writing in general, when you push too hard, you just come up blank. For me, I like to go for a walk, and not even think about writing. When I stop pushing, I tend to have ideas.

I was recently at RooSites’ Dunedin Florida location and was walking along this beautiful old street by the Gulf of Mexico.  The street consists of all these gorgeous homes, many of which are over 100 years old.  Almost every single one is meticulously maintained. Whenever you walk by, someone is either tending to the homes or to their outdoor space.

So it got me thinking, what can I learn from these beautiful examples of Florida architecture?

Then it hit me!

What is beautiful for one location, may not work for another.   These houses are so beautiful as they really fit the neighborhood, they reside in.  However, take one of these homes and try to stick it in Boston, New York or other Metropolitan areas, they will look out of place.

So you ask, what does this have to do with web design and development?

Good question!

I was recently working on a new site for an attorney who specializes in helping families with special education.  The attorney asked me for some examples that she could look at in order to put together her content.  This is when it hit me.  Showing her great sites that have nothing to do with her field of endeavor really aren’t helpful, and although some sites are beautiful to look at, they won’t work in her area of expertise.

So as with those gorgeous homes which fit so nicely along the Gulf of Mexico in Dunedin, Florida, they wouldn’t look too good in the Beacon Hill area of Boston or in my current hometown of Foxborough, Massachusetts.

Meticulously Maintained

Then as I mentioned, the properties were meticulously maintained.  This of course made me think of website maintenance, which as you know is a specialty of RooSites.  Although these homes are quite old, their care and maintenance have allowed them to remain standing through numerous storms and other factors which typically destroy homes of this age.  Well, I am here to tell you that this is the same with websites. I manage and host many sites which are several years old. Because we never miss a beat in terms of updates, the sites remain viable and have saved their owners a lot of money that they would’ve needed to suspend to build a new website. As with those old homes, a newer replacement would  NOT have been an improvement.    In my blog post: Sometimes it is better NOT to build a new website we covered this very topic.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a point where your site has outlived its usefulness and new technologies allow you to do things better, faster and more efficiently. But you should get years out of a new website, before needing to do a total redesign. Proper maintenance will allow you to have a long lifespan for your website.

Bottom Line

When you are thinking about a new website, you tend to look at sites that you like for inspiration. This is fine, but make sure that design also fits your type of business. I typically recommend looking at your competitors, but also look at companies who are similar to yours throughout the county for inspiration.  In terms of maintenance, make sure you work with a company who not only will build you a nice site but will also maintain your website, so you can be sure your site is up and running and secure. Unfortunately, a lot of companies like to design sites, but few want to do the maintenance.  This is where RooSites can help. We specialize in website maintenance and have service plans for every company’s budget and needs.

Still cannot come up with an idea?  Here are some articles to help:

As always, we are here to help. If after reading this blog post, you still can’t come up with any ideas, contact us, I am sure we can help.



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Posted in Barry Roos

Lessons learned from a poorly run golf courseSeptember 12th, 2021

BLOG POST Lessons learned from a poorly run golf course web I bet you’re wondering why I would write about lessons learned from a golf course?  Many things remind of my business (which is helping small businesses succeed via the web).  I had an experience this week at a golf course which got me thinking, and I came up with four lessons I learned from a bad experience.

Here is the story:

My wife asked me if I wanted to play golf last Friday. I was busy but decided to take a break and play nine holes at a local par 3 course.

As it  was a Friday and a workday, we did not call for a tee time, we figured we’d stop by and see how crowded it was. When we got there, there was nobody on the tee box, and the back nine was empty as well. My wife went in to pay and there was a young man at the desk. He said, the best I can do is get you a tee time in an hour or so. My wife said: “There’s nobody here!” He again said sorry, I can’t let you start for an hour. She again said, there is nobody on the tee or even waiting in the parking lot. Well, he said sorry, you’ll have to wait an hour.

What did we do? We left.

The four lessons I learned from this poorly run golf course:

  1. Turning Down Money Is Never A Good Idea
    The course was empty, and they had an opportunity to make a little bit of extra money. Instead, they alienated us, and I won’t be back for a while, if ever. While, this seems obvious, much of my business comes from people who are fed up with web designers and developers who can’t even be bothered to call them back or answer an email about perspective business. It always amazes me when people can’t be bothered and leave money on the table. But this happens more than you think. In this economy, it’s never a good idea to alienate prospective business. This golf course did, and so do many of my competitors. The easiest thing you can do in business is be responsive to your client/customer needs. It cost you nothing to call someone back, or answer a simple email.

    Imagine if I stood on the street with a fist full of hundreds trying to give them out, would you take them or would you say no? If you don’t respond to calls and emails, that is exactly what you are doing.

    I know, that’s an exaggeration, but it truly amazes me that companies actually turn away money in the form of customers/clients.

  2. Flexibility
    The one thing you need in today’s world is to be flexible. If you want to stay in business, you must change with the times and be willing and open-minded about your business. Now, if this course was full and there were groups waiting to go out and play, then I totally would’ve understood. Unfortunately, the dolt they left in charge, was unable to think about the situation logically, otherwise he takes our money and sent us on our way to play. The world has changed, and you have to change with the times and be willing to do things a bit different from perhaps you did in the past. Otherwise, you end up a dinosaur and as you know, they are extinct and now only found at the bottom of your gas tank!  Learn more about flexibility in business [↗]
  3. Great Service
    One sure way to lose customers/clients is to have poor service. In this case, they left such a bad taste in our mouth’s that we are unlikely to return and will also tell our friends and colleagues about what happen today. In fact, I’ve already told a few people about the situation. What he should’ve done is look for a way to satisfy us. Had he looked out at the 10th tee as an example, he would’ve seen there were no groups even two or three holes away and could’ve easily sent us out. We would’ve been happy at the service he provided and left with a good feeling about the course. Think about it, had he told us we needed a tee time, but then went out of his way to help us, we would’ve been thrilled. This of course would’ve required him to have flexibility, as we covered in number two. Again, I find this in my industry as well. People are rigid and don’t help their clients/customers, and their poor service typically leads to losing business. At Roosites, I have always tried to provide the best customer service I can, and always respond to a request the very same day. This is why we are still in business after over 20 years.
  4. Enable Your Staff
    Now, perhaps the kid at the desk was told never to let anyone on who didn’t have a tee time. If this is the case, shame on the golf course. What they should’ve said is, if no one is out on the course and someone comes by, by all means send them out to play.  This is something I have learned over the years, you have to enable your people and give them the opportunity to make some decisions. When I work with designers and developers, I try to give them freedom to be creative, and the results are often positive. When you try to be too rigid, people get nervous, and they never do their best work, or as in the case today they leave money on the table.

Bottom line

There are lessons learned everywhere if you pay attention. Unfortunately, most of the time we learn those lessons from watching what not to do. Always put yourself in the place of your customer/client. Think about how you would react to a situation. In Friday’s debacle at the golf course, they did everything wrong and lost potential customers. With Covid, so many things are still up in the air, and you cannot afford to lose any business.

Note: I purposely left out the name of this course, as I am not trying to be vengeful. Hopefully this was a one-time error, but I probably won’t find out in the near future.



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Posted in Barry Roos

