I was driving back from New York last week after a business meeting. I try to blog every week, but like you it’s hard to find the time some weeks. But as I tell my clients content is king, and consistent posting will improve your search rankings.
And then I thought, why not use Siri to write my blog? (Now I don’t advocate this without a hands-free device, be safe of course).
Siri is not perfect, but it is a great tool for writing. In a few minutes you can write your blog post. When you get home or back to the office, go through your notes and correct the places that Siri didn’t quite understand you.
Driving for the most part is wasted time and most of us have Bluetooth headsets attached to our ears. So instead of being bored, be productive and use Siri to write your next blog.
This blog post was written using Siri
When I speak to groups about social media, typically people want advice as to what to post.
Here are my top 5 tips to use as a guideline:
So an often asked question is: How do I know if I am effective? I use re-tweets in twitter as barometer. If I am re-tweeted on a regular basis, chances are people like what I am posting. In Facebook, likes and shares are a good measure. In Google+, plus 1s are a good indicator, though I don’t see this practice in use much.
Please let me know what you think are are good tips for social media posts by commenting in the form below.