Incomplete Websites: A Real TurnoffAugust 19th, 2013

Sometimes it amazes me how incomplete many company websites are these days.   Case in point, I wanted to have my daughter’s car detailed for her this week. Like most people I turned to Google. I found a few places in my area and decided to check out their websites. Well, believe it or not I found some things that just stunned me.

Here are a few examples:

  • One had no address to be found on their website.  Now this is a place where you have to go to have service done.  But, no address. Unreal!
  • 2 sites had specials pages but no specials.
  • 3 had galleries with no photos
  • 2 had testimonial pages sans the testimonials

So, I am sure you’re asking yourself: Why is this? Why so incomplete? Well, I can only guess, but I would say it’s because companies pay somebody to build the website and that’s it. They have no ongoing service and no way of updating the website. This results in the website being the same after two years as it was on day one. Incomplete and pretty crappy user experience. This is why we rarely work on websites we don’t support afterwards. I’d rather say no to a potential client (that doesn’t choose support) then see them go down a path that only can end in failure.

Find out more about RooSites Website Management Plans.

Do not mix your facebook personal/business pagesJune 4th, 2013

Facebook Facebook business pages should be about your business, period. They should be social, feel free interact with customers and clients. That is what it is all about. But keep your personal and political views out of your business page. You wouldn’t turn away business from someone whose political views are diametrically opposed to yours, right? So don’t alienate those people on Facebook. Keep your personal views and family stuff on your personal page.

There is nothing worse than going to someone’s page to learn more about their business and find instead political rantings. Even if you agree with that person’s viewpoint, it probably isn’t going to encourage you to do business. And isn’t that why you are investing time and resources on social media?

A word about Personal Pages
When I am on a friend’s personal page, and they are constantly pushing their business, it is annoying. I have one friend who feels Facebook is a place to brag about his success in his chosen field. “Look at me, I am great”. Business pages are where you can crow about your success. On your personal pages, you are just obnoxious. Facebook is a great place to share what you are doing, talk about your children, etc. But do remember everything you put out there is out there forever. Facebook posts are stopping people from getting jobs, stopping kids from getting into college, and other damage. So before you post that off color joke, think about it. And customers do see your personal page as well. I had 2 referrals this week that came through my personal Facebook page. Luckily, I heed my own advice and try to keep my page appropriate.

Now, people will ask me, if I don’t have a business page, what do I do? Easy, setting up a business page, takes all of 5 minutes. If you aren’t sure how or need assistance with social media, contact us.


