“Oh, time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is”~The Rolling Stones
If only this was true. Time is the one thing none of us seem to have enough of these days. This is especially true when we speak of managing our websites. I recommend to my clients they make a change to their websites at the very least once a month. And that is not really enough. But it is a start, and helps their websites to succeed and flourish. Your search engine rankings won’t improve if your website is stale and static. And why would anyone return if it is always the same content?
People want to save money, which is admirable. So what do we do? We build Content Management Systems so non-technical folks can make changes, add content, etc. But what happens? People get so busy they forget about their website.
So what is the answer? Here are three things you can do.