Time, Precious TimeSeptember 9th, 2011

“Oh, time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is”

~The Rolling Stones

If only this was true. Time is the one thing none of us seem to have enough of these days.  This is especially true when we speak of managing our websites. I recommend to my clients they make a change to their websites at the very least once a month.  And that is not really enough. But it is a start, and helps their websites to succeed and flourish. Your search engine rankings won’t improve if your website is stale and static. And why would anyone return if it is always the same content?

People want to save money, which is admirable. So what do we do? We build Content Management Systems so non-technical folks can make changes, add content, etc. But what happens? People get so busy they forget about their website.

So what is the answer? Here are three things you can do.

  1. Hire a solid company to manage your website – Contract for “X” amount of hours.  This will help. We (RooSites) for instance don’t charge for hosting, only for hours. We figure out how many hours are needed and charge half our normally rate.  This works as our clients keep their sites better to date.
  2. Automation – If done correctly you can automate some of your social networking tasks and grow your following. Again we throw that in with every management plan.
  3. Remember why your are successful – You are successful because you are an expert in your field and dedicate most of your work day to your main pursuit. So don’t regret the realization that you don’t have enough time to do “everything”. Rather, do something about it so that your web marketing is successful. Take the first step and  contact us today.

Steve Jobs: VisionaryAugust 25th, 2011

vi·sion·ar·y = Adjective: (esp. of a person) Thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom:

Few people are true visionaries. We would like to think we are, but thinking outside the box is far harder than it sounds.  Steve Jobs simply made the products everyone wanted. And if they didn’t know they wanted it, they did after all the buzz that surrounds an Apple release. I admit, I thought early on Apple missed the boat keeping products in house while Windows spread like a wildfire (or a virus is probably closer to reality )  Obviously Steve Jobs knew how to control a brand and grow it into one the most lucrative on the planet.


I started out a PC guy, and remained one until I bought my wife the mac mini when it came out. From there I was hooked.  I have since bought, 5 macs, and love the products.  With a PC your life is about anti virus software, and crazy executable files designed to ruin the world. With a mac it is about productivity.

And every release of an apple product helps me be more productive. As a web developer I spend all day on my computer, and Macs make that day more enjoyable, productive and profitable.

Then there is the iPad. I admit I wasn’t sold on it until I bought one for my wife. She uses it for almost all her needs. The product has revolutionized the industry and you better be developing websites that look ok on the iPad or you are missing a huge part of your market.  Travel to any board room and watch Senior Executives. They pull out the iPad.  The iPad also showed how the computer industry just wants to hang back, see what Apple does and create an inferior copy. It hasn’t worked, and the Pads which have come out, aren’t as good and don’t sell. Perhaps with Steve stepping down, other computer makers will actually think for themselves and create something great, to quote a great ad, “think different”.

So, with sadness, I wish Steve Jobs Godspeed.  Thank you for Apple and all you have done.  Few have really changed the world. You Have.

