We read about Google algorithm changes with cute names like Panda and more recently Penguin. Webmasters scramble to change their SEO practices. Is this wise? We say no. We say ignore the changes, and spend your time trying to understand what Google is trying to accomplish. For Penguin, this is what Google is saying:
Google has described Penguin as an algorithm change that’s aimed at webspam and, more specifically, “sites that we believe are violating Google’s quality guidelines.”
Google is punishing you for your SEO practices. They want quality content and accurate search results, not links to crappy sites optimized to the hilt which leave users unsatisfied. As Ernest Hemingway said, “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen”. So if you are truly listening to what Google is saying, not trying to outfox them, you will get the point and work on improving quality, and yes ignoring the algorithm.
Here are a few tips that will only help your search rankings and NEVER hurt.
If you need help improving your search results, feel free to contact us for assistance.
It seems like every day I get an email from a new social media or SEO expert guaranteeing to make my company the Angelina Jolie’s leg of the new media world. (hey if you watched the Oscars then you would get that joke :)).
The reason is simple, anyone can call themselves an expert. Here is some advice, follow a few simple steps.
Bottom Line: Craft a good social media strategy, with a reputable company, and give it a chance to work. Combine innovation and automation and you will succeed. The same goes for SEO, it isn’t easy but you can make continuous improvements and eventually get where you need to be. Feel free to contact me at any point for assistance. I have had good success for my clients and can help you as well through one of our management plans, all of which include free social media management.