Being a webmaster or site manager, you get used to working nights, weekends and yes holidays like the 4th of July. (If you want to do right by your clients, that is)
Take yesterday for instance. Most people were off for Independence Day. We on the other hand were working and doing an install for a client. As we didn’t want the client to be down at any point during normal business hours, the 4th of July is a perfect day to do an install. Now although we started just after midnight on Sunday, we didn’t get done until about 9:30 AM with all our install, and testing was completed by mid afternoon.
Now don’t take this the wrong way, I am not complaining. That is the job in a nutshell. When you manage people’s websites, you need to do what’s best by them. This means as little downtime as is humanly possible. Of course there are times when servers go down or horrible things can happen like hackers. These are things are beyond our control though we take every safeguard and measure we can to keep our clients safe. No, I am talking about normal best practices. Do not be down during business hours. End of conversation.
I like to talk say there are things that differentiate companies in a crowded market. The willingness to work around your client’s schedule, and do things at times which are not convenient to you, this is an example of what I called differentiators (if that’s a word).
Unfortunately, most web companies are really only interested in the “sexy” things in my business. They love doing mockups and showing clients pretty images. But in terms of actually managing your site after the launch, very few companies in the world specialize in this aspect of the business today. Why? The answer is simple, this type of work is not as fun as painting pretty images for clients. This is down and dirty, nuts and bolts work. But this is what make websites run. This is what keeps websites always improving and not out of service during peak business times.
So, our holiday may have been delayed as we worked most of the day. By the time we stopped and took a break for some barbecue and to enjoy the family time, the day was mainly gone. But at the end of the day, like most days, we know we did the right thing by our client. We will continue this policy, as that is what drives us and has made us the top website management company in the world. Now I know that comes off as boasting, but we stand behind our boasts with action. If you are not happy with your website management company, contact us today, we can help.
We did a post a while back in which we shared some tools we use on a daily basis to make our lives managing websites easier. We have an updated list and hope you find these time saving/helpful sites as beneficial as we do. Best of all, they are free to use.
1) Embed Responsively – This is a great site for those of you who are embedding video and want to make sure it is responsive. This not only works for YouTube, it embeds all different types of video.
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2) Character Count Online – This easy tool is great for writing tweets. It counts characters including spaces, words, paragraphs and whitespace.
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3) – This site saves me time as some clients love the cap lock. This site converts case and has several options.
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4) Text Fixer – This site can do a variety of tasks to help you on a daily basis. It can alphabetize things, put in numerical order, remove dupes and more.
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5) Am I Responsive – This cool little site shows what your site will look like on various devices, from desktops to pads and SmartPhones.
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6) LastPass Password Generator – In today’s world, it is no longer ok to have easy passwords that hackers can figure out. This tool will generate long, safe passwords with a variety of options.
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7) PHP Beautifier – If you code your own PHP or just have a WordPress site that others write code for, one thing is for sure: At some point you or someone else will need to go into the code. Many programmers are great at writing code but do not format their code properly. This makes it hard for those who come afterwards. This tool will beautify your code and make it easier to edit for the next person tasked with editing.
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8) Unsplash – We all at times have to use stock photos. Some sites are so full of overused images, you cringe just looking at them. This site offers 10 free images every 10 days. And they aren’t your typical shots. They are spectacular and can be used for any project. I used one of their images for this post :).
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9) Lorem Ipsum – When we build websites, we don’t always have the text we need to complete the pages. Rather than have blank pages, I prefer to use placeholder text. This tool allows you to generate words, characters, bytes. The text is derived from Latin literature from 45 BC. It is the perfect placeholder as people don’t get caught up reading and commenting on the words.
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10) SSL Analyzer – This tool will tell you if your SSL certificate is valid and also will give you a lot of information about your certificate.
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Have any great time saving sites you’d like to share? Add a comment below.