Testimonials are a great addition to a website. But only if they are real. One signed with BP, MA. is useless. They appear fake even if they are legitimate. Having a testimonial with a person’s name and company gives far more credibility.
When someone is looking for a company, they want to be reassured that you are trustworthy. So typically after the homepage, they look to your about page to learn more about your company. A testimonials page is another place where people look. Say a non-profit was looking for a web company. I think after going to my testimonials page, they would feel good about RooSites. I have a great testimonial from a Senior Executive at the Samaritans, which lists her name, title and organization. (see below)
Having her name, title and organization legitimizes the testimonial. As I said, It also provides another non profit seeking a web design, development, and management firm confidence in our services.
So consider testimonials for your website, only using those from people willing to put their name, title and company out there for you. Since you are only going to publish positive remarks, these companies are happy with you and most will be willing to help.
It is amazing to me how companies want to succeed with social media, yet go years without posting. I was on the Twitter page of the well-known Boston marketing company. I saw they had a tweet about a July event. Great, they are current. Then I realized it was July 2010! What an absolute turn off. I would guess that anybody that came to their Twitter page, will not return. And I’m sure they will not go on to visit their website. (Which by the way is not up-to-date either).
Look, you don’t have to post every single day to your Twitter, Facebook, and other social media pages. But, if you don’t have the time to post ever, then take them down. I know, you’re shocked to hear me advise taking down your social media pages, right? But, you are better off not having someone come to page which will totally turn them off, and make sure they never use your services or buy your products.
If you feel however that social media is a part of your company’s marketing strategy, then I can help you. We can work with you to craft some posts, and then we can schedule them for you. So at the very least you are posting every day, every other day, or maybe once a week as you see fit. This strategy will help your business and you will see a bump in traffic to your website referred from you social media pages.
In Conclusion: Social Media can truly help drive traffic to your website and get people into your store. But neglected it can actually hurt your business. So be active, get help, or take down your social media.