Bottom line: Search engine optimization is not an instantaneous process. It requires research, and ongoing improvements. Since the Internet is still a very relatively new science, a cottage industry of SEO companies have propped up and made false promises for years. So, follow these five steps before you even speak to an SEO firm and you will be better off in the long run. RooSites is a full service agency and we work SEO into our normal service plans. If you need help, contact us at
Very good post. I also receive spam SEO emails and calls. I like the way your company integrates SEO into your suite of services. This shouldn’t be an extra, but part of any management plan. Paying ungodly amounts for SEO is just wrong and so many companies make promises they can’t keep. Continue the good work and keep these type of posts coming!
Thanks Jack. I have always thought having SEO a part of any support plan is a no-brainer as rankings are so important. But very few companies agree as they make money buy charging extra.