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What to do about Google algorithm changesJune 4th, 2012

We read about Google algorithm changes with cute names like Panda and more recently Penguin.  Webmasters scramble to change their SEO practices.  Is this wise?  We say no.  We say ignore the changes, and spend your time trying to understand what Google is trying to accomplish. For Penguin, this is what Google is saying:

Google has described Penguin as an algorithm change that’s aimed at webspam and, more specifically, “sites that we believe are violating Google’s quality guidelines.”

Google is punishing you for your SEO practices. They want quality content and accurate search results, not links to crappy sites optimized to the hilt which leave users unsatisfied.    As Ernest Hemingway said, “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen”.   So if you are truly listening to what Google is saying, not trying to outfox them, you will get the point and work on improving quality, and yes ignoring the algorithm.

Here are a few tips that will only help your search rankings and NEVER hurt.

  1. Be realistic and specific in your search goals.  The narrower your efforts, the better your results.
  2. Continuously add content that benefits your audience through your website, blogs, etc.
  3. Abandon web farming, it isn’t going to help and will hurt.
  4. Ignore SEO firms with crazy boasts coming from xxx@gmail rather than their own domains.
  5. Use Social Media wisely, the links count.
  6. Ask yourself, if I wanted to find my company, what would I use as my query?  Then work and make sure your content is reflective of this query. If you want to be found for NY DELI, your content should have content all about the topic including but not stuffing the phrase.

If you need help improving your search results, feel free to contact us for assistance.

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About the Author

Barry Roos

As the founder of RooSites, Barry Roos is recognized as an industry leader, with his company earning the prestigious Best of Florida award for web design three years in a row. RooSites has also been named among the Best Web Designers in Boston by Expertise.com and Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. With offices in Boston, Foxboro, Massachusetts, and Dunedin, Florida, RooSites stands out for its exceptional post-launch support. Offering comprehensive support plans at a single fee, RooSites assists clients with content management, SEO, PPC advertising, social media strategy, and much more.


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