It always amazes me that people who have impressive offices or stores have fugly websites. Sometimes people can see the value of making a good impression, yet their online look is downright ugly, broken and outdated. It is like wearing your Armani suit with holey socks.
Take the photo below, it is of a law office (hopefully long closed). Do you think you would have this attorney under retainer? I don’t care if Perry Mason or Clarence Darrow is working there, you ain’t going in.
Well it is the same with your website, if your website is an online version of the above photo, you not only won’t be getting new business, you are actually driving business to your competition.
Now does that mean you need to sell your Aston Martin DB9 to afford a nice website? Absolutely not. You can build a professional website that lets you compete with the big boys at a reasonable cost. Start small, and add to your website. Keep it fresh with relevant content, and before long you will have a smart looking interface, that drives business and fares well in search engines.
Most of all, you have a website you will be proud of, the same as your office or storefront. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us, we are glad to answer them.
“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.” ~Napolean Bonaparte
In many cases I would have to agree with the little guy. But he died centuries before WordPress and other Content Management Systems came to be.
So a few questions:
Do you feel comfortable making the changes to your WordPress and plugins?
Have you made changes to your theme? If you update the theme files, will your customizations be wiped out? (this happens when there is no child theme)
Do you have a backup plugin in place in case one of the updates cripples your site? (it happens)
Setting Up a WordPress Website
Although the thousands of available themes look nice and fit the requirements of many businesses, they are not all easy to set up. The more available features, the longer it takes to get up and running.
Don’t get me wrong, WordPress is fabulous, you certainly can blog yourself, edit content, add photos and more with little or no help. But unless you have the time and the skillset needed to keep your WordPress site up to date, hire a professional to help you to set up and manage your website.