Welcome to new client Dr. Gregory Albert of Delray Beach Florida. Dr. Albert is world renowned plastic surgeon. We will be assisting Dr. Albert with website management, helping his office to update his site and to make improvements and upgrades.
You can visit Dr. Albert’s website at http://www.drgregoryalbert.com/
Sounds easy, right? WRONG. You are a busy professional, and you just can’t seem to find the time to write.
I regularly hear the following from my clients:
Now I understand, setting aside time is hard. So that is why I am giving you an easy tip that will help. Send yourself a recurring meeting invite. Then it will appear on your calendar each week. (or how often you want to post) This will force you treat writing content as a part of your normal schedule. You will get in the habit. As an example, I attend a networking meeting each week on Wednesdays. I am a member of BNI. Each week we all do a 50 second speech. As I know I need to have something to talk about, I set aside time every Tuesday. I write my blog and from that I paraphrase into my 50 second.
As easy as WordPress is, you still have to log in and post. Since we specialize in website maintenance, we typically receive posts from clients and we do the rest. We are happy to, and we know in the long run our clients succeed and perform better in searches. If you don’t have anyone to help you post, or if you have no blog or way to publish content, contact me, I am happy to help.