5 Rules for Better Website SupportOctober 26th, 2013

While we have been lauded for great website support, I really think it comes down to 5 simple rules I follow. (…and so should your website management company)

  1. Answer all support requests the same day. Respond back to your clients quickly. Waiting days and weeks is unacceptable. Even if a request will take days to complete, let clients know you are on the job.
  2. Use a ticketing system. Support tickets that are opened automatically when a customer emails a certain address are best. Then clients can track progress.
  3. Test and backup. No matter how simple a change is, make sure you check your work. And if a change is major, take a full backup first. you will save you and your clients agita down the road.
  4. Ask questions: If you don’t 100% understand what your client is asking for, ask questions. Your work will be more accurate and you will avoid re-work.
  5. Let a client know you are done. (or close the ticket with a note) You would think this would be a no-brainer, but I have heard of companies that will make a change and not even let the client know.

While it is true that we close 99% of requests the same day, this isn’t possible for every company. But every rule I mentioned and follow is doable for every company.ย ย  If your website management company doesn’t follow these simple rules, contact RooSites today.


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