Clean out your (website) closetSeptember 9th, 2013

Every once in a while you look at your bedroom closet and realize that you have a lot of things you rarely (or never) wear. Unless you are going to an 80’s party (or even 70’s), it is time to clean out the closet. I was faced with this task this weekend. I found a lot to give to charity, and the result is more room and better organization.

So what does this have to do with your website you ask? Well, as a web guy, most things I do make me think of parallels in the web world. I got to thinking and the same thing that applies to your closet, also applies to your website. Every once in a while, clean it out.

Here’s a short list:

  • Delete old drafts, and pages not being used.
  • If you take comments, you probably have tons of spam. Delete them.
  • If you have several old backups, thin out the folder to a few.
  • Go through and read your content, yes all of it. Make sure it is up to date and relevant.
  • Change passwords, and go ultra-secure. If you use wordpress, make sure you aren’t using ‘admin’ as your username. Also on the wordpress security front, make sure you have a good security plugin as well. Make sure all plugins and versions are up to date. if you have plugins you aren’t using, de-activate and delete.
  • Take a fresh backup of all content and databases.

No one enjoys cleaning out their closet, or things like spring cleaning. But it does make your life easier, and in the case of a website, safer.  Try to to utilize my list a couple of times a year, you will be happy you did.


WordPress: Custom Theme or Purchase?September 3rd, 2013

With WordPress one of the key questions you have to ask yourself is should I have a custom theme built for my website or should I use a premium theme that I can purchase?

My answer depends on a few things:

  • What type of business are you in?
  • What is your time-to-market?
  • Budget

Depending on your answers, I can come up with an option for you.
Type of Business
I always think people in creative fields should lean towards more custom themes. For instance, I look at some website designer’s website and I see a purchased theme, to me that doesn’t seem quite right. I mean if your selling your creativity, you should at least show you are creative, right? However, for many professions, or small businesses, a premium theme is fine. There are thousands, and with some customizations, you can make it your own.

Time to Market
If you are in a rush to get a site done, then your answer is simple, go with a nice premium theme which will cut the time down by 60-70%. If you have months, then you can consider a custom design. As the design process takes a couple of weeks on average, and building a custom theme can add a few weeks, you can see where time to market is considerably longer.

If you have a small budget, then go with a premium theme. If you have $2000 and up you can consider the custom design route. The reason is that having designs created takes time and money. And coding a custom theme can take weeks, which is where the cost adds up.

So, I know you are going to ask, what do I prefer? Well, in a perfect world, a custom, unique theme is what I prefer. But in reality, the things we spoke about come into play. Budget and time to market are so important. Whichever way you go, you can have a great site. If you aren’t sure, then ask me. I am happy to help you decide.

