Every once in a while you look at your bedroom closet and realize that you have a lot of things you rarely (or never) wear. Unless you are going to an 80’s party (or even 70’s), it is time to clean out the closet. I was faced with this task this weekend. I found a lot to give to charity, and the result is more room and better organization.
So what does this have to do with your website you ask? Well, as a web guy, most things I do make me think of parallels in the web world. I got to thinking and the same thing that applies to your closet, also applies to your website. Every once in a while, clean it out.
Here’s a short list:
No one enjoys cleaning out their closet, or things like spring cleaning. But it does make your life easier, and in the case of a website, safer. Try to to utilize my list a couple of times a year, you will be happy you did.
Some very good ideas. I just went through and followed your advice. (But I still haven’t cleaned my actual closet (LOL)
With all the hacking in the world, staying current on plugins and wp version is critical.